Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

plexus thoracici

List navigation
Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema nervosum periphericum Short Extended
Level 2 divisio autonomica Short Extended
Level 3 plexus viscerales Short Extended
Current level plexus thoracici
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
6827 tax
plexus thoracici
thoracic plexus
6628 6829 tax
plexus cardiacus
cardiac plexus
77582 6830 tax
ganglia cardiaca
cardiac ganglia
6225 6831 tax
plexus oesophagealis
oesophageal plexus
53631 9168
pars anterior plexus oesophagealis
anterior part of oesophageal plexus
53632 9169
pars posterior plexus oesophagealis
posterior part of oesophageal plexus
6629 6832 tax
plexus pulmonalis (par)
pulmonary plexus (pair)
rami pulmonales (par)
pulmonary branches (pair)
8 lines
62.5 %
62.5 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 6827
Number of children 11 (validated)
Number of units 8 (validated)
Signature 19695 (validated since 23.4.2018)
Date: 19.03.2025